Our Services, Your Peace of Mind

Transportation Hubs

Airports, railway stations, and bus depots are crucial infrastructures for efficiently transporting passengers and commodities in Canada. These hubs enable daily business and tourist traffic and are vital to the economy. However, they are also vulnerable to several security threats. For example, the shooting that occurred in Toronto’s Union Station showed that these critical infrastructures are vulnerable to attacks. 

247 Gard understands the severity of these threats:

How 247 Gard Can Help Transportation Hubs?

Enhanced Surveillance and Monitoring

We employ the latest CCTV Systems and Alarm Monitoring services to constantly monitor all activities within and around transportation facilities.

Access Control Systems

Our Concierge Security Services control access to premises and ensure adherence to access control measures to minimize the risk of intruders gaining entry to restricted areas.

Emergency Response Planning

We have emergency response plans in place, including evacuation and lockdown drills, to ensure preparedness for different emergencies.

Perimeter Security

Mobile Patrols monitor transport infrastructure facilities to prevent intrusions and detect any suspicious activities within the security perimeters.

Cybersecurity Integration

We offer cybersecurity solutions to protect transportation facilities from cyber risks, ensuring passenger privacy and preventing business interruptions.

247 Gard Security Services

Our Services, Your Peace of Mind

Rapid response time

Static Security Guards

247 Gard's Static Security Guards operate round the clock and are constantly on-site to ensure that threats are detected early enough and are responded to with utmost urgency.

robust security

Mobile Patrols

Large properties can be difficult to survey, increasing the likelihood of unauthorized access. 247 Gard’s Mobile Patrols is a complete solution that allows quick reactions and constant surveillance.

Advance Technology

Concierge Security Services

Our Concierge Security Services are available 247 and provide a sense of security while creating a friendly atmosphere for visitors and employees.


Elite Suit and Tie Security

247 Gard’s Elite Suit and Tie Security provides sophistication and the highest degree of protection, carefully designed for elite environments.

Experienced Professionals


People may park without authorization, and vehicle-related issues may cause severe disturbance and safety problems. 247 Gard's Parking Enforcement services ensure proper parking management and compliance with local regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Transportation Security important?

In order to safeguard lives, valuable cargo, and the integrity of the supply chain, transportation safety and security are necessary. Numerous dangers affect the industry, including cyber attacks, terrorism, theft, accidents, and natural calamities.

What is the role of Transportation Security Guards?

247 Gard's Transportation Security Guards provide polite, expert security and protection for passengers in all transportation areas. Their responsibilities can also include protecting renowned people, events, and valuable assets.

Client Testimonials

Contact Us Now For All Your Security Needs.

In a city that never sleeps, security is a must. At 247 Gard, the safety of what is important to you is our top priority. We are committed to providing premium yet affordable security guard services. 

Feel the difference as you enjoy unmatched security with Gard 247, where our services meet and exceed your expectations. 

Contact us today to take the proactive step towards a safer tomorrow.

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