Our Services, Your Peace of Mind

Corporate Offices

Corporate offices are an important factor in Canada’s economic system and labor market. As of 2022, 2,654 head office locations were identified in the country. These offices are important as they foster economic development and stability, oversee large business processes, and create considerable employment, thus offering thousands of employment opportunities. However, corporate offices are vulnerable to several security threats: 

247 Gard recognizes the seriousness of these threats:

How can 247 Gard help Corporate Offices?

Access Control

Our Concierge Security Services control the entry points, thus allowing only those who are allowed access into the restricted areas.

Professional Presence

Our Elite Suit and Tie Security officers are highly trained and blend into the environment, strengthening security while keeping up the corporate look.

Continuous Monitoring

Mobile Patrols provide round-the-clock security services in and around the office area, and any suspicious movement is noticed and addressed immediately.

Internal Security

Our Security personnel are posted at strategic positions within the office to prevent employee theft and protect the company’s properties and data.

247 Gard Security Services

Our Services, Your Peace of Mind

Rapid response time

Static Security Guards

247 Gard's Static Security Guards operate round the clock and are constantly on-site to ensure that threats are detected early enough and are responded to with utmost urgency.


Elite Suit and Tie Security

247 Gard’s Elite Suit and Tie Security provides sophistication and the highest degree of protection, carefully designed for elite environments.

Advance Technology

Concierge Security Services

Our Concierge Security Services are available 247 and provide a sense of security while creating a friendly atmosphere for visitors and employees.

Experienced Professionals


People may park without authorization, and vehicle-related issues may cause severe disturbance and safety problems. 247 Gard's Parking Enforcement services ensure proper parking management and compliance with local regulations.

Why Choose Us?

Choose 247 Gard security for a responsible security service with a dependable team that offers you security 247.

Rapid Response Times

Our response times are less than 5 minutes, indicating our dedication to speedy assistance.

Continuous Monitoring

We provide 247 security with the help of cutting-edge technology, which is used to monitor your property continuously.


Our community watch programs serve the purpose of the safety of neighborhoods and commercial areas by establishing a sense of collective security.

Proven Track Record

We are entrusted by more than 1000 residential and 3000 commercial customers nationwide.

A middle-aged male security guard from 247 Gard Security with short dark hair, wearing a black jacket and hat, standing confidently in front of a black background with a 247 Gard Security badge on his jacket.

Experienced Professionals

Our team comprises of professional, uniformed security guardians who are fully trained and do their best to protect your security.

Customized Solutions

We personalize our security services to the particular needs of your property or event.

Advanced Technology

We use the latest security technology to monitor and guard against possible intrusions through efficient detection and prevention

Comprehensive Coverage

We offer a wide range of extensive and reliable private and public security services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the responsibilities of a Corporate Security Guard?

Corporate security is responsible for identifying, monitoring, and deterring internal and external risks to an organization's employees, property, and assets, as well as resolving physical crises. They also distinguish risks to the organization, communicate them to executives and management, and deal with it accordingly.

How important are Security Services in Corporate Offices?

People can gain a sense of trust and confidence when they encounter visible security measures like professional security guards. Knowing that security is in place promotes trust in government agencies, businesses, and places. It fosters interaction with others and community engagement by making people feel at ease and confident in their surroundings.

Client Testimonials

Contact Us Now For All Your Security Needs.

In a city that never sleeps, security is a must. At 247 Gard, the safety of what is important to you is our top priority. We are committed to providing premium yet affordable security guard services. 

Feel the difference as you enjoy unmatched security with Gard 247, where our services meet and exceed your expectations. 

Contact us today to take the proactive step towards a safer tomorrow.

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