
Industries We Serve

Rapid response time
Commercial Business

Commercial facilities and businesses in Canada involve a variety of activities, including retail stores, financial services, and IT consulting.

robust security
Retail stores & malls

Retail stores and malls are a significant component of the Canadian economy, contributing billions of dollars in sales annually.

Advance Technology
Construction Sites

The construction industry in Canada is an important sector that engages more than 1. 6 million people and generates about $ 151 billion for the economy every year.

Corporate Offices

Corporate offices are an important factor in Canada's economic system and labor market. As of 2022, 2,654 head office locations were identified in the country.

Proven time Record
Residential Communities

According to recent Statistics Canada data from 2021, in Ontario, investors owned 43% of all condo apartments and 14% to 21% of all houses.

Community Oriented
Educational Institutions

Currently, Canada has 223 public and private universities, as well as 213 public colleges and institutes.

Continuous Monitoring
Healthcare Facilities

Ontario has 400 hospitals that play a significant role in the delivery of basic health services and the functioning of the overall healthcare system.

Comprehensive Coverage
Critical Infrastructure

Power stations, water treatment plants, telecommunications stations, and other similar installations are essential for society's operation and for the people's protection.

Experienced Professionals
Transportation Hubs

Airports, railway stations, and bus depots are crucial infrastructures for efficiently transporting passengers and commodities in Canada.

Contact Us Now For All Your Security Needs.

In a city that never sleeps, security is a must. At 247 Gard, the safety of what is important to you is our top priority. We are committed to providing premium yet affordable security guard services. 

Feel the difference as you enjoy unmatched security with Gard 247, where our services meet and exceed your expectations. 

Contact us today to take the proactive step towards a safer tomorrow.

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